Our Philosophy

Pilates is more than just exercise.

Pilates is a method of physical and mental conditioning; a method of corrective exercise; a moving meditation. It’s also a great workout!
It’s all of those things, and then some. We use the method to help you understand YOUR body; issues of weakness, over use, unconscious tension, immobility, discomfort, misalignment… If you’re in good shape with no issues, we will fine tune and fortify your body/mind connection. Simply teaching exercises in repetitions without addressing your particular issues, can be detrimental, and it is not what the method is about.
"You create an intelligent body by attaching your brain to what you’re doing." - Joseph Pilates

Our long-term goal is to get you to take the Pilates method and apply it to your daily life so you can:
- work at your computer without pain
- improve your performance in your particular sport or art form
- recover well from an injury or surgery
- play easily with your children or grand children
- age more gracefully, with greater flexibility, balance and co-ordination
As you age, your body doesn’t have to be a painful burden, it can be your partner. When we are young our body easily does what it is asked. As we age, we have to use our brain power to augment the natural effects of aging bodies. For young people, this work sets you up to create an intelligent body that will carry you well. Most people say, “I wish I’d known this when I was young.”
Why is a pilates lesson so effective?
We all have particular habits; forward head, tucked pelvis, slouched posture, shoulder issues, knee issues, stiff feet, muscle imbalance…to name a few.
We teach you to observe yourself, identify the things you habitually do, become aware when you’re doing them, and use the tools you’ve learned,
to intentionally move with strength and awareness.